
Community Training & Capacity Building



We work with communities from diverse backgrounds yet the common thread that runs from rural Eastern Cape to Mpumalanga is the lack of skills amongst young people .Harnessing our experience and capacity we offer a wide range of trainings meant to build the capacity of individuals and communities to participate in mainstream economy. Find out on this page what we are up to!

Currently we are implementing the Wholesale & Retail SETA  accredited training to the tune of R70million. 


Since implementation a total of ….. learners have graduated from the programme. Courses on offer are Marketing , Cooperative Governance and Marketing. Entering in its third cohort , the programme is implemented in Eastern Cape, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Free State and KwaZulu-Natal. 


Last year we managed to host a Graduation Ceremony for learners in Senqu,Eastern Cape

With quality provision as the centre of service provision, all our courses are aligned to relevant SAQA requirements and quality assured by respective SETAs. Our services are client focus to address clients’ needs. The company offers training in the following programmes:

  1. National Certificate: 23095: Community Development Practice Level 5
  2. National Certificate: 66749: Community Development Level 3
  3. National Certificate: 57428: New Venture Creation Level 4
  4. National Certificate: 58761: Early Childhood Development Practice Level 4
  5. National Certificate: 66749: Community Development Level 3
  6. National Certificate: 60169: Water and Wastewater Reticulation Services Level 2
  7. Further Education and Training Certificate: 60189: Wastewater and Water Reticulation Services Level 4
  8. Further Education and Training Certificate: 61709: Water and Wastewater Treatment Process Control Supervision Level 4
  9. National Certificate: 96404: Hot Water system Installation Level 2
  10. National Certificate: 58578: Local Government Councillor Practices Level 3
  11. National Certificate: 50205: Municipal Integrated Development Planning Level 5
  12. National Certificate: 49605: Environmental Practice Level 2
  13. National Certificate: 49077: Information Technology and Computer Sciences Level 3
  1. National Certificate: 48573: Information Technology: Systems Support Level 5
  2. Further Education and Training Certificate: 78965: Information Technology: Systems Development Level 4.
  3. Further Education and Training Certificate: 50309: Environmental Practice Level 4.
  4. Certificate: 48965: Municipal Financial Management Level 6
  5. Further Education and Training Certificate: 50081: Leadership Development Level 4
  6. General Education and Training Certificate: 49552: Environmental Practice Level 1
  7. National Certificate: 49752: Environmental Practice Level 3
  8. National Certificate: 57823: Ward Committee Governance Level 2.

We are accreditated with 8 accreditation bodies offering various qualifications

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

"I personally love people and all about the youth, being granted the opportunity to work with young people was an open door for me to excel as a facilitator in the program."

Duduzile Thandeka Nkosi Facilitator

" Education is a key of success Mr Nelson Mandela said. As local communities many of us young people like to study but due to financial problems we cant but having organisations like SAYM and the SETAs which are helping to secure our future and prevent us from becoming thugs prevent us from falling into the trap of drugs its a great pleasure to be part of the program."

Melusi Michael Mbuli Programme Beneficiary
    Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

    Project Team

    Levison Gondwe

    Project Management Unit Manager

    To contact Levison and his team click on his name!

    Mellisa Chauke
